Culture matters because those who work in your organization will determine who wants to work there. You shouldn’t have to spend time and resources constantly searching for good applicants. You should be able to select great applicants with top talent. High Performance Teams are filled with top talent and consistently attract top talent.
Culture is the key to becoming a sought after employer of choice within your industry. Becoming a sought after employer means, “People who don’t work at your organization have a strong desire to work there.” Becoming an employer of choice means, “People who already work at your organization have a strong desire to continue working there.”
This Blue-Collar Leadership® Academy preview video offers a sample of the online training course on Blue-Collar Leadership® & Culture. The content is also very similar to what we could cover in a live training session on this topic.
Blue-Collar Leadership® & Culture features content specifically for the top leader who has never led a cultural transformation but is curious to find out what will be required. Discover why you should transform your culture, and also what to do and how to do it.
“Culture is owned by the CEO, whether he or she admits it or not.” ~ Edgar Schein
Watch our interview with George Grieb!
George is using Blue-Collar Leadership® books and training materials to transform the culture of his company!
In this interview, George Grieb discusses:
- How and why he wants to lead his team through cultural transformation
- How and why he focused on his own mental and physical transformation first (he lost 50 lbs!)
- How bringing in Mack & Ria Story engaged his team at an entirely new level
- How and why bringing workforce and leadership development to all of his team members has been something he’s dreamed of doing for many years
Blue-Collar Leadership® & Culture, is based on The Transformation Equation. In it you’ll discover how to leverage the components of The Transformation Equation to create a culture that will support, attract, and retain high performance team members.
“The strength of the culture, and not its size or resources, determines an organization’s ability to adapt to the times, overcome adversity, and pioneer new innovations.” ~ Simon Sinek
Get started today:
Call Mack at 334-728-4143 or click here to schedule your free consultation with us to discuss an onsite training session or keynote presentation on Blue-Collar Leadership® & Culture: The 5 Components of High Performance Teams
Distribute copies of this unique book to your team to help leaders at all levels learn to:
Leverage the components of The Transformation Equation
Become a sought after employer of choice
Create a culture that attracts and retains top performers