We all have some influence, yet we all want more influence. Simple. But why, how, where, who, and when we influence as well as how we in turn are influenced by others is incredibly complex because people are incredibly complex. Situations are different. People are dynamic. Relationships are complicated.
We all need the tools to increase our influence, develop our leadership, and maximize our results.
Introducing The Ladder of Influence®
The Ladder of Influence® provides a powerful, yet simple 5 step framework to help you realize the practical steps you can take to increase your influence and develop your leadership with the people around you: family, friends followers, co-workers, your boss, team members, community members, children, and spouses.
This Blue-Collar Leadership® Academy preview video offers a sample of the online training course on The Ladder of Influence.® The content is also very similar to what we could cover in a live training session on this topic.