Are you leading or communicating change initiatives in your organization? Do you need to increase buy-in? Would you like to increase your influence by becoming a Change Champion?
In today’s fast pace world, leaders are constantly challenged with leading change within the organization. Conditions and business initiatives change constantly and quickly.
As a leader of change, you are faced with the need to not only manage the change itself, but also the resistance, reactions, fears, and emotions of your team members throughout the change. Fear of change will create roadblocks when it comes to implementing new initiatives. The result: wasted time, increased cost, and decreased productivity.
This Blue-Collar Leadership® Academy preview video offers a sample of the online training course on Change Happens: Leading Yourself and Others through Change. The content is also very similar to what we could cover in a live training session on this topic.
Change brings both challenges and opportunities. Change can bring an organization together by uniting the team around a unifying purpose and vision, or it can create chaos.
Teams that embrace change are more adaptive, more responsive to customer needs, and more competitive in today’s business world. When it comes to change, they are proactive instead of reactive.
Get started today:
Call Mack at 334-728-4143 or click here to schedule your free consultation with us to discuss an onsite training session or keynote presentation on Change Happens: Leading Yourself and Others through Change.
Distribute copies of Change Happens: Leading Yourself and Others through Change to equip you and your team members with a skillset and toolset to effectively manage mindset. A mindset that will allow you to lead and leverage change in a way that turns the challenge of change into a competitive advantage for you and your team.
Change Happens: Leading Yourself and Others through Change was created specifically to help everyone at every level within every department learn why they should embrace change and how they can leverage change, regardless of their position or title. It has been intentionally formatted with only 90 pages (15 sections, 2 chapters per section, 3 pages per chapter) for easy reading and for conducting team-based book studies.