This Blue-Collar Leadership® Academy preview video offers a sample of the online training course on Blue-Collar Leadership: Leading from the Front Lines. The content is also very similar to what we could cover in a live training session on this topic.
Get started today:
Call Mack at 334-728-4143 or click here to schedule your free consultation with us to discuss an onsite training session or keynote presentation on Blue-Collar Leadership®: Leading from the Front Lines.
Distribute copies of this unique book to your front line team members to help them understand:
how to become high impact team players
how to make an impact right where you are
the how and why behind accepting more responsibility
how to intentionally become more valuable and successful
how to build influence with leaders and teammates
Blue-Collar Leadership: Leading from the Front Lines was created specifically to develop those who work directly on the front lines and those who interact with and support the front line workforce. It has been intentionally formatted with only 90 pages (30 chapters, 3 pages each) for easy reading and conducting team-based book studies.

Note: Blue-Collar Leadership®: Leading from the Front Lines books are available in the following formats: paperback, eBook, audio book, and in Spanish! Español: Liderazgo Obrero: Liderando desde la Línea Frontal